Friday, March 7 –

·         Scholastic Bowl @ Bloomington (Masonic State Tournament) Leave @ 3:30

·         Girls Track @ EIU, 2:00, Leave at 12:45


Saturday, March 8 –

·         Boys Track @ EIU, 9:00, Leave at 7:45


Monday, March 10 –


Tuesday, March 11 –

·         EIU – Lunch Visit

·         Girls Basketball Awards Night, 6:00, Cafeteria




Drama rehearsal tonight has been CANCELLED! See you at the church Sunday at 12 noon.


Student Council will be selling candy and drinks during flex on Thursdays and Fridays to raise money for Joshua's Great Things, an organization that raises money to help families affected by pediatric brain cancer. Have a snack and help us support this great organization!


The Village of Toledo is looking for summer help! If you are interested in applying see Mr. Maynard.


Spanish Club members: Stop by Señora's room and pick up your shirts.


Book club will meet in the library TODAY during Flex. Please bring your book with you to be returned. 


Tickets for this year's musical, Little Shop of Horrors, are now available in the office! Come out and cheer on your Cumberland High School drama friends in this fabulous production. Performance dates are Friday March 14, Saturday March 15, and Sunday March 16. We hope to see you there!

Monday Lunch – Cheeseburger on Bun, Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Fruit